Liliana Avidos

Liliana Avidos is a PhD in "Aging and its Pathology" since 2009, concluding her doctoral studies with the classification of Excellent with distinction by presenting a thesis related to the biomechanical changes of the foot due to aging. In 2006 she concluded, at the University of Vigo, the Diploma of Advanced Studies in Aging with a classification of excellent. In 2012 she obtained the title of Specialist in Podology from the Instituto Politécnico de Saúde do Norte (IPSN). In 2002 concludes the Podology Degree by IPSN and previously in 1998 concludes the Bachelor Degree in Podology by the Instituo Superior de Ciências da Saúde Norte. From 1998 to 1999 she attended, as a post-graduate scholarship student, a 9-month training course at the University of Barcelona, under an institutional protocol between the IPSN and the UB. Has been a career teacher at IPSN since 1999 and, currently in the category of Principal Assistant Professor, and since that date, she has developed her teaching activity in several courses such as the Degree in Podology, Degree in Osteopathy, Degree in Physiotherapy, Master in Clinical Podiatry, Master in Geriatric Podiatry; Master in Podiatry of Sport, among others. As part of her duties she has been the scientific advisor of more than 50 scientific papers as monographs and Master's dissertations. Throughout her career she has attended more than 30 continuing education courses, among which we highlight 4 organized by the Podiatry department of La Trobe University - (Australian University) together with the Podiatry department of "Western Isles Hospital", Scotland Simultaneously, has always exerted clinical activity as Podologist, having performed functions at clinical level in several public and private institutions, such as Hospital São João EPE, Polo de Valongo, Hospital Senhora de Oliveira in Guimarães, with a very relevant clinical practice in the field of clinical podology, with incidence in patients with diabetic foot and elderly people. She has also developed business initiatives, being currently managing partner of the company Liliana Avidos, Unip. Lda. and consultant at Tecnofeet - ortopodologia, Lda. Until 2021, was coordinator of the Continuous Training Department of the Portuguese Podiatry Association. Since 2002, member of the scientific commission of the Podology National Congress. Develops relevant research in the fields of diabetic foot, pediatrics, plantar pressures, plantar orthotics, biomechanics of the foot, with numerous published works in these fields and more recently in IA& Saúde (Artificial Intelligence and Health).

Research interests: 

Gerontology; Podology

Selected publications: 

Avidos, L., Diz, J., Ribeiro, F., Padin-Iruegas, M., & Neves, J. (2022). The influence of subtalar axis orientation on the foot posture of older adults in a closed kinetic chain. Geriatrics Gerontology and Aging, 16.

Neves, J., Maia, N., Marreiros, G., Neves, M., Fernandes, A., Ribeiro, J., Araújo, I., Araújo, N., Ávidos, L., Ferraz, F., Capita, A., Lori, N., Alves, V., & Vicente, H. (2021). Employees balance and stability as key points in organizational performance. Logic Journal of the IGPL. Oxford University Press, UK.

Neves, J., Ferraz, F., Dias, A., Capita, A., Ávidos, L., Maia, N., … Vicente, H. (2019). Assessing Individuals Learning’s Impairments from a Social Entropic Perspective. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 11431 LNAI, pp. 62–73).

Neves, J., Maia, N., Marreiros, G., Neves, M., Fernandes, A., Ribeiro, J., Araújo, I., Araújo, N., Ávidos, L., Ferraz, F., Capita, A., Lori, N., Alves, V. & Vicente, H. (2019) Entropy and Organizational Performance. In: Pérez García H., Sánchez González L., Castejón Limas M., Quintián Pardo H., Corchado Rodríguez E. (eds) Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. HAIS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11734. Springer, Cham.


Coordinator of Gerontology Research Group; PhD Member

Research Group: