

The unequivocal increase in the average life expectancy, the speed with which developed countries reached the goal of their citizens being able to live for more years, today brings gigantic challenges to society. So that the dream of a long life does not turn into a nightmare of years of suffering, it is absolutely crucial that science addresses all aspects of aging.

Effectively, the premise of arriving young to old, requires that society tread a whole path of evolution in the most diverse domains of knowledge, however Gerontology today assumes an absolutely decisive role.

Since Gerontology is understood as the science that studies aging, namely in biological, psychological, social, and other aspects, it is then understood as the scientific and professional area dedicated to the multidimensional issues of aging and old age, with the objective of describing and explaining of the aging process in its most varied aspects. It is, by its nature, multi and interdisciplinary. Since it requires multiple scientific advances, involving multiple professionals.

The genesis of the Gerontology Laboratory within an ID Unit is the result of this reflection.

Major Research lines

   • Line 1 – Specific health care for the geriatric population (accessibility, organization of services, health areas)

   • Line 2 – Elderly motricity

   • Line 3 – Psychosocial aspects of the elderly (sociology of aging, aging policies and socio-economic contextualization and social support, social and gender inequalities)
