Master Degrees

The Master's Degree in Mental and Psychiatric Health Nursing responds to the need for training specialist nurses in mental and psychiatric health, having as a reference the Training Plan of the Ordem dos Enfermeiros for specialized training in Mental and Psychiatric Health Nursing.
The Master's Degree in Medical-Surgical Nursing in the area of nursing for people in critical situations, taught in Portuguese, organized by the Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Ave, of the Instituto Politécnico de Saúde do Norte, responds to the need for training nurses specialized in medical-surgical nursing for people in critical situations, taking as a reference the training plan of the Portuguese Nurses Association for training (Ordem dos Enfermeiros, 2018), thus enabling the award of the professional title of specialist nurse to holders of the Master's Degree in Medical-Surgical Nursing in the area of nursing for people in critical situations, with a minimum of 2 years of professional experience. Throughout the training, emphasis will be placed on updated and quality theoretical and practical training; training in diverse clinical contexts and the development of basic research and evidence-based practice skills.