Post-Graduation in Advanced Intervention in Wound Prevention and Treatment

1. Preparing professionals to be able to plan and intervene, in multidisciplinary teams, in the person with a wound;
2. Preparing and training for adequate intervention in the problems of people with wounds based on a multidimensional vision;
3. Promote the continuous improvement of the quality of care based on the scientific knowledge of health professionals;
4. Encourage research and production of knowledge in the health area and in particular on research on assessment and intervention in wounds.
Pedagogical coordination: Assunção Nogueira
Target audience: 

Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.




Rua Central de Gandra, 1317
4585-116 Gandra - Paredes
Tel. 224 157 174/06


Edition Coimbra

Centro de Formação Bissaya Barreto
Campus do Conhecimento e da Cidadania - Quinta dos Plátanos
Apartado 7049, Bencanta | 3046-901 Coimbra

Edition Gandra - Paredes

Campus Universitário de Gandra - Paredes
R. Central de Gandra, 1317
4585-116 Gandra

Edition Vila Nova de Famalicão

Campus Académico de Vila Nova de Famalicão
R. José António Vidal,81
4760-409 Vila Nova de Famalicão